Wednesday, February 15, 2012

corruption in india

Corruption in India

Roll num-03



Now-a-days corruption can be seen everywhere. It is like cancer in public life, which has not become so rampant and perpetuated overnight, but in course of time. A country where leader like Mahatma Gandhi have taken birth and led a value-based life is now facing the problem of corruption.

When we talk of corruption in public life, it covers corruption in politics, state government, central government, business, industry and so on. Public dealing countries in most all government offices are the places where corruption is most evident. If anybody does not pay for the work, it is sure that work will not be done.

All luxury corrupts either the morals or the state.

Corruption in the Indian society has prevailed from time immemorial from one form or the other. The basic inception of corruption started with our leaders who have done greater damage to our nation. People who work on right principles are considered to be foolish and unrecognized in the modern society. Corruption in India is the result of connection between the criminals and politicians. Earlier bribes were paid to get wrong things done but now bribes are paid to get right things done at right time. Further, corruption has become something respectable in India because respectable people are involved in it.

Political corruption is worst in India. The major cause of concern is that corruption is weakening the political body and damaging the supreme importance of the law governing the society. Now a days politics is only for criminals and criminals are meant to be in the society.

Major factors responsible for corruption:

The most important factor is the nature of the human being. People have great thirst for luxuries and comforts and they easily get themselves involved in all the material benefits. The salary paid to the employees is very less and thus they get involved in illegal ways to earn money. The punishments imposed on the criminals are inadequate. The political leaders have destroyed the society completely.

Though it seems very difficult to control corruption but it is not impossible. It is not only the responsibility of the government but ours too. We can eliminate corruption if there will be joint effort. We must learn some principles to follow so that we may be models for the coming generation. Let us take view to create an atmosphere free from corruption. That will be highest achievement as human beings.

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