Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Photographic Generation

The sound of that familiar 'click' is something that the ears of the people of the BMM class have become accustomed to as nearly every day some or the other 'shutterbug' of the class clicks Candid photographs which are later proudly displayed as Profile Pictures of the subject. It is admitted by students that they admire the photos clicked by Aditi and Vinod who are two people who willingly click pictures of everyone with their proudly bought DSLRs. Not just them, but everyone wants to click pictures from their DSLRs.

Any person can see them clicking away, finding subjects or objects that may look ordinary to others but for those photographers, they hold a different meaning to it and by a quick turn of buttons and knobs they transform the whole meaning of something ordinary to amazing. In fact, they can make a teenager’s worst hair day appear to actually be just a funky trend. They can make a situation look like a still from a movie. And nobody doesn't like to have amazing pictures of them clicked. Even those who think they aren't photogenic are proved wrong by these Photographers.

Be it the preparation or the actual event, they'll make sure they'll capture memories for everyone. The Facebook pages are filled with pictures from events like an orientation ceremony, to a festival, the CL meets and the usual random pictures clicked in a class. When people asked Simran what she got out of clicking so many pictures of others she had a simple answer for it "I like it when people see their picture and have a smile on their face. It serves my purpose of being a photographer." For Vinod Talreja, it was his hobby which turned into his passion after his friends motivated him to go ahead with it.

Even though classmates won't trust their friends to click a picture, they surely do trust these two photographers and of course even the others who take out their cameras once in a while to get a good snap. 

Stivant Solaina, 54.

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