Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Review of The ninth Nani A. Palkhivala Memorial Lecture

The ninth Nani A. Palkhivala Memorial Lecture was held at the Tata Theatre at Mumbai’s National Center for Performing Arts (NCPA) on January 14th, 2012. The event started sharp at 11am by welcoming the Chief Justice of India Sarosh Kapadia. Justice Kapadia was presented flowers by Ms. Shereen Bharucha. She further spoke about the program flow as it would be divided into two segments; presentation of the 7th Nani A. Palkhivala Memorial Lecture followed by the book release.
The cabinet members took over to present the 7th Civil Liberty and Human Rights award to Mr. B G Deshmuk. It was the 1st time going to recon a person who was in an about the system. Mr. Deshmuk had worked under three different Prime Ministers and was one of the strong pillar towards RTI (Right to Information).
His sister Ms. Prabha Deshmuk was very thankful to the Nani A. Palkhivala Trust for giving her brother this award and all the amount will be donated to the PCGT trust.
The Chief Justice of India Sarosh Kapadia released the book Palkhivala – The Courtroom Genius which is authored by Soli J. Sorabji and Arvind Datar. The 1st copy of this book was presented to Nani’s brother Behram Palkhivala. The podium was taking by Mr. Datar who thanked Justice Kapadia for releasing the book on the 9th Nani Palkhivala Memorial Lecture. Mr. Datar further added that this book took then seven years to complete and it went beyond the cases. He also said it’s to inspire the younger charter accountants and advocates.
Justice Kapadia became a Judicial judge in the year 1991 followed by reaching the bench of the Supreme Court in 2003 and finally became the Supreme Court judge in 2010. Justice Kapadia said, “I never thought I would be giving a lecture on Judicial Independence and Accountability.”
Chief Justice of India Sarosh Kapadia said, “I believe that Nani had the blessing from above. He has always believed and followed the Zoroastrian principles of fair play. Arguments were never of fear but of reality he believed.” Justice Kapadia further adds, “ Nani’s vast personality cannot be held under one particular section. He has always had respect for the judges, fellow lawyers and even opponents. He has also believed in the unity of all the religions.”
“Nani the brilliant economist thought of globalization as a great progress. Hundred years there might not be a lawyer of such caliber.” Says the Chief Justice of India Sarosh Kapadia.
The event is concluded with a vote of thanks form the board members.

Audio file mailed. Will try uploading it later. 

nikav bharucha
roll number: 07 FYBMM

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