Tuesday, February 7, 2012

PS I Love You Book & Movie Personal Opinion Review

PS I Love you is one of those rare movies wherein the motion picture is better than the book. It was on my mind for a long time to either read the book or watch the movie, usually preferring reading the book first, but honestly, unlike the other movie-book combos of the same league like say Eat, Pray Love (Yes, Julia Roberts was fantastic in it), in case of PS I Love You, had I read the book before, I'd be in no hurry to watch the movie.
Perhaps my paradigm or perspective of the movie has been shaped by the scene from which I began watching the movie for the first time wherein its Holly's fortieth birthday and she receives a letter from her recently dead husband. After watching the movie for umpteen number of times, reading the book and going through specific extracts over and over again, I realized how beautifully the original book has been re-engineered while making a movie which revolves around Holly herself rather than the book which deals with the details of the lives of all other characters who sort of take a back seat in the movie.
This, along with the smooth slipstream of songs in the movie gives it a beautiful, dreamy, musical like feel while keeping the paradigm as well as the essence of the movie exactly the way it was intended to be.

To wind it off, PS I Love You, the movie, according to me is one of those benchmark movies which gives its audience (who presumably have read the book) a new dimension and a new flavor to relish the original printed work and even manages to give a different insight. Do watch it if you already haven't.

Supreet Walia

1 comment:

  1. Fonts need to be uniform in a post. If you use left margin to begin your para, then please leave a space between your paras.
    290 words - good.
